
Brush eezy
Brush eezy

brush eezy brush eezy

It was refreshing to click on TRUSTPILOT and have a clear honest and obvious way to deal with my own Data and that was with a REJECT ALL button.I salute you trustpilot and hope that all the companies which use the same tactics as JAGER MCCONNELL one day will look closely at themselves and their family and realise that they are doing the same to their own children and offering others their children and friends children to be disrespected and treated like commodities.It is shameful. JAGER MCCONNELL as the CEO of CRUNCHBASE who it appears owns BRUSHEASY is behaving like a thief in his belief that this is acceptable People will say conmen and Pimps have no moral coding but any company who uses these legal tactics and the sound knowledge that 90% + of the people who make up the site traffic will either not see the scam or not have the time to tick all the is almost impossible to find his email anywhere without having to pay for it.I looked on Linkedin and his contact email directs to the company and he lists Twitter which I have no desire to be part of. I say this as they are yet another company who use legality over morality when it comes to Data.They have an ACCEPT ALL button but no button to reject all and further to this they have a page to which you are directed and then another page which lists the VENDORS and although one button is automatic as not accepted the LEGITIMATE INTERESTS buttons are on accept with no way other than taking 15minutes of peoples time to turn each one off.NO MARKETING COMPANY should legally have a legitimate interest.It is like going into a retail shop and them selling pictures of you and anything which they can catch sight of like debit cards addresses etc being treated as fair game to SELL.One day I hope all the companies which do this underhand way of selling our personal DATA will have to pay back any amounts they earned form it with interest. however I cannot applaud any company who promotes their corporate philanthropy and yet is sly and disrespectful and lack morals in other areas. I applaud any company who offers products to the public for free.Especially in areas which people are not experts and so the fact they offer free wallpapers etc is honorable. DATA: Legality over Morality according to Jager McConnell CEO Crunchbase

Brush eezy